I Can’t Do It All... And That Will Have to Be Okay
This week has been crazy. But I suppose that could be said for every week. It’s always just exceptionally so any time you come back from an extended time away from the classroom.
I can’t do it all. And that’s going to have to be okay. I am just a human, and an imperfect one at that. I can’t keep containing the feeling and dwelling on it that I’m never quite good enough for anyone. Am I the only teacher who feels this way? I read an article on teacher depression last night, and it broke my heart. Surely I’m not the only one.
It seemed like every one needed something from me this week that I just couldn’t give. A deadline to be met. An email to be responded to. A problem to be resolved. An issue to be investigated. A situation once thought to be finished yet continuing to be a thorn in the flesh.
This calendar year has brought a lot of growth for me - personally and professionally. And I can’t help the feeling that this school year will do the same. I tell a lot of my 20-something friends that awakening into your 30s changes things. And I do think that’s true. I am a different woman now than I was then. And I’m a different woman today than I was a year ago. Maybe that’s the point... never being the same person you were yesterday, or a week ago, or a month ago, or a year ago... most definitely a decade ago. Either way, I’m finding my voice.
I’m finding my voice to say “no.” Don’t get me wrong... I will bend over backwards for my students, their families, my supportive coworkers. But I am not perfect. I am broken. I am struggling. But I do my best. I think they know that. I hope they know that. But I borrowed this lovely and posted it to my social media last night because it resonated deep within me.
I can’t do it all. And that’s going to have to be okay. I am just a human, and an imperfect one at that. I can’t keep containing the feeling and dwelling on it that I’m never quite good enough for anyone. Am I the only teacher who feels this way? I read an article on teacher depression last night, and it broke my heart. Surely I’m not the only one.
But I have to reprioritize my life as I figure out this new me. That has meant telling people I love “no” and that kills me. But I cannot take care of everyone around me when I’m not taking care of myself. I cannot give to others when my cup is empty. I will never be perfect but I will give my best, after I make sure I take care of my wellness needs first. I no longer think that’s selfish. Maybe my perspective about that isn’t right, but I can’t help anyone if I’m dead inside.
I’m not able to do it all. I used to think I could, but I’m different now. I can’t do it all, and that’s going to have to be okay.
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