Lie #6: Taking time for myself is selfish and wasteful.
I mentioned in a recent post about the prevailing societal standard for womanhood: martyrdom on the altar of exhaustion. Whether we like it or not, it's true. Whether we accept it or not, it's true. It's not a glamorous, Hollywood-style view of femininity (although that's a huge expectation of our phsyical bodies), but it is nonetheless the prevailing standard of measuring whether a woman is keeping her value and worth. How exhausted is she? But when did this become the norm? Why is this even a thing? We know that we cannot pour from an empty cup. We know that time spent taking care of oneself isn't wasted and it certainly isn't selfish because it helps rejuvenate us to continue our servitude. Yet somehow, we've all been suckered into believing that taking time for ourselves is selfish. How dare we? When there are husbands and children and aging parents and neighbors and friends and relatives to care for, how dare we take a min...