
Showing posts from March, 2015

Teacher's Pets Linky...(a little belated)

First, I should apologize for my belated post .  I'm not sure where the month has gone!  The week before our spring break was so busy that I haven't had a chance until now to officially write and link up with A First for Everything on her Teacher's Pets Linky .  I've been trying to be better about my blogging goals this year by linking up and connecting with other bloggers, but I'm still navigating that whole balance of time issue!  So here goes... First of my boys!  People often think I'm a mom to human children because I've always called my fur babies "the boys" or "my boys," but to me, they are my real children.  That is why I was completely devastated last year when I lost two of my babies almost back-to-back.  My whole world turned upside down in a matter of minutes...and again just three weeks later.  But I still hold them close to my heart , and I'm dedicating this post to their memory! Of all t...

Spring in Our Step Linky & Giveaway

I can't describe how excited I am to be a part of my first linky with a giveaway !  I'm joining my blogger friend Marissa at Inspired Owl's Corner to celebrate her birthday and a major milestone in her blogging career!  It just so happens that yours truly has a birthday coming up this week, so I couldn't resist joining in the fun!    So many wonderful things have happened this year that I feel all too blessed to be where I am with my students.  I've been reflecting on which moments this year put the MOST "spring in my step" to share with you.  Well, I posted on this previous month's Currently linky that I would be spending my Spring Break recovering from my far, so good!  I'm feeling better, and I'm looking forward to getting back in my exercise groove and having more energy!  I was also excited that, at the weigh-in before my surgery, I calculated that I've lost about 20 pounds or so s...

Hump Day Highlight Linky: Heroes for Diversity

I've made a new friend through my new Instagram account !  (Follow me @insidebellsbrain !)  So today I'm linking up with Mrs. Stanford's class to bring you a little Hump Day Highlight .  This week I thought I would tell you about my latest creation and how we're using it in our classroom.  Last year, our district had its first International Fair .  It was so exciting to see so much love and support for all the diversity in our schools and communities.  My fourth graders contributed a project called "International Heroes."  They did an AMAZING job!  I was so proud of their hard work, and I realized that their research and final products were so meaningful to them...academically and personally.  We did a very in-depth study of biographies and informational text , followed by their own independent and collaborative research .  Finally, they published their work in a typed report and displayed it for the Fair. This year, I wanted to "be...

Currently March 2015

I feel like I'm so ahead of the game (in blogging, that is).  I've made two posts in the last two days.  I give myself an A+.  But I think it was more a fluke than anything else...LOL!  So here goes my Currently for March 2015! Listening ...There have been some awesome movies on TV today, so I've had lots of great background noise while I worked.  Tonight after evening worship at church, I came back to find The Lucky One on ABC Family.  I LOVED reading that book, and I think they did a great job with the movie too.  Very well-cast.  Of course, the German Shepherd is who really steals my heart though! Loving ...Well, I really already talked about this, so I won't brag.  But, yeah, I've made two posts in two days.  I'm impressed . Thinking ...I wonder if I will ever get caught up with these lessons!  Of course, I am not trying to be negative, especially when I see how hard-hit the Northern states have been this year, but w...