
Showing posts from February, 2015

Why I Have Absolutely Loved My Planner!

So right now it's kind of hard to stay focused on the here and now.  I think many of us start feeling spring fever and thinking about what we " coulda , woulda , shoulda" done differently this year.  I think that's a completely normal part of teaching and a very healthy reflective attitude.  But, of course, we want to still be dedicated to our current students and stay focused on the tasks at hand.  That's just one reason why I am so glad I took the time to make my planner last year.  I still see some things I want to do differently...because, like you, I'm already planning for next year, so I am mentally designing my changes already.  But since it takes me quite a while to personalize and design each and every one, let me tell you why I have loved mine so much this year and why I think you need one too. 1.  It's SO cute!   Who doesn't enjoy planning in a planner that is personalized for their own needs and likes?  It makes me EXCITED ...

What's in My Cart? Teachers Are Heroes TpT Site Wide Sale!!!

My name is Erika, and I have a digital paper & clip art addiction.  Okay, there...I said it.  Now can I shop? I always get so excited when I find out there's another TpT sale in the mix because it means potential sales of my resources as well as a great excuse to shop!  Several of us bloggers have linked up to share with you which items have caught our eye for the sale tomorrow.   Several of you also know what time of the year it's almost time to order personalized planners for next year!  That means two awesome excuses for me to fill my cart full of more digital papers, clip arts, and graphics galore!   Journal Flags Tabs by Sonya DeHart Design Backlit Rainbow Damask Digital Paper by RedPepper Digital Flag Banner in Bright Colors by Pics and Paper Arrows & Commercial Clipart by Prettygrafik Mendy Mini Digital Paper, Frame, & Ribbon Set by Teaching Super Power Audrey Mini Digital Paper, ...

Teachers Are Heroes Product Linky: Celebrations & Traditions Around the World

You've probably heard the exciting news about the TpT sale tomorrow!  You can save up to 28% off some of your wish-listed items by using the code HEROES when you check out on the Teachers Pay Teachers site.  So it's time to clear off your wish list and put some change in a fellow teacher's pocket! We want you to make the most of your hard-earned money by sharing some of our superhero resources by sharing some of the feedback we've gotten from fellow sellers and buyers.  That's why we put together this little linky party to share the resources that have our superhero stamp of approval!  It truly warms my heart when another teacher leaves a thoughtful, meaningful feedback message on my resources.  I know that I've made another teacher's job easier and reached his or her students with the work I've made. Recently I got this little message from my TpT dashboard.  I don't know who to thank because it was left anonymously, but thanks so much to...

Currently February 2015

So...I was thinking that maybe I should start calling this my "Previously" post instead of "Currently" because I can't seem to get with the program and get this post done at the beginning of the month!  Oh, well!  I have so many lofty goals for blogging this year and particularly this summer, but I suppose as busy as we stay, a few days late with a post isn't unforgivable!  Listening ...Well, the 10:00 PM news just went off, so now it's time for Jimmy Kimmel!  Perhaps I can get a few "ha-ha" moments before bedtime.  I was just listening to a few more chapters of my Insurgent audiobook before turning on the TV though.  Don't get me wrong, I've read it plenty before because I'm a HUGE fan of the series, but I always do my best to re-read a title before its movie hits theaters...and we are fewer than 50 days out, folks! Loving ...I just got the sequel book to a book I read over Christmas called Just One Day .  The sequel is cal...