Weekend Warriors (on Monday!): 3-2-1 Biographies

This weekend I saw an awesome link up that I wanted to jump in on...Weekend Warriors!  I'm still getting the hang of these link-ups, but the concept of Weekend Warriors really appealed to me.  It sounds so strong and empowering!  So this time we're doing a little 3-2-1...biography style!  Or rather, autobiography style.  Here's a little 3-2-1 on yours truly.

Three things about the "teacher me":

1. Sometimes I can't believe I ever earned a degree in marketing...teaching is my life!  My undergraduate degree was in Marketing with a Spanish minor.  It has still served me well, so it wasn't a total waste!  But I love teaching so much, and it's such a part of who I am in my heart and soul that sometimes I can't believe I ever thought I would pursue any career path but teaching.  I was going to be a fashion designer/artist with my own boutique and cater to plus-sized styles and fun and funky accessories.  I still love art, though I don't have time to do it anymore, but I am confident that I corrected my intended path.  This is exactly where I'm supposed to be!

2. I will drop everything on the lesson plan for a meaningful, student-led teachable moment.  It doesn't matter to me what's on the agenda...if my students take the lesson in an unintended direction with their own natural curiosity, then you can bet that I'm going there with them!  Some of my best lessons have come from this deviation of the plan.  My personal philosophy is that if the students are personally vested in the material/pursuit of knowledge and if they are the ones making their own meaning, then they will learn far more than if we had stuck with even the best-laid plan.

3. I may teach English, but I pursue every opportunity to strengthen my kids' home languages and cultures too.  I believe that, in order to be academically successful, my students must have a strong command of the social and academic languages they will encounter here in the United States.  I say "languages" plural because often times dialects of English can seem as though they ARE completely different languages.  They must learn the vocabulary, syntax, and semantics of their new language to achieve the most success.  But I don't ever want this to REPLACE their home language(s) and culture(s).  My ultimate goal for my students is that they are multilingual, multi-literate, and multicultural upon graduation.  I always tell my students they are double and triple smart because they have more than one language inside their heads.  I prove this to them by incorporating their own knowledge of their languages and cultures any time that I can, and I encourage my coteachers to do the same.

You know you're a teacher when...you can't think of two things to write down for your "regular me" portion because literally EVERYTHING you do is teaching!

So...me...hmmm...why is this so tough?
1. Sometimes I can't separate "the regular me" from the teacher me because everything I love has to do with words or learning or reading or making things...someone once told me that teaching was my career and my hobby.  That makes perfect sense because it seems like wherever I go, whatever I do, I'm teaching in some way.  I teach Sunday school, my regular job is teaching, I dabble in TpT stuff, I design professional development and coach other teachers, I lead parent English classes...somehow, someway it all goes back to teaching.  Not to mention that I could literally be a perpetual student, so I'm always pursuing my own learning too.  I didn't really know how to even describe "regular me."  So I came up with this one...

2. I think one of the best feelings in the world is when you laugh 'til you can't catch your breath.    What is one of my favorite things to do?  LAUGH!  I love that feeling when you laugh so much that you can't catch your breath.  I mean that doubled-over, side-stitch, tears-streaming-down-your-face, hyperventilating laughter.  Whether it's a silly-stupid movie with my mom or crazy girls' time with my amigas, I love to laugh.

Sorry this part was so BORING!  LOL!  I should've gotten a friend to write this part about me.  Surely there's more to me than this?  Ha ha...

My "One" Answer:  What is one thing on your bucket list?

I'm dying to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!  I love having HP marathons with my mom, and you'd better bet that, even though I have all the movies on DVD, if there's an ABC Family HP Weekend, my TV is glued to that channel.  I would absolutely adore going to see that world come to life.  I live vicariously through literature, and this series really resonates with me.  Ironically enough, I didn't get to read them as a child, but I got into them as an adult.  Now I lament those years that I didn't even know what I was missing.  But I'm determined to make it there...one day!

That's a little 3-2-1 about me, so head back over to the rest of the Weekend Warriors to get to know some other teacher bloggers.


  1. I have an undergrad degree in something completely unrelated to teaching too! I have a BA in Art History, and like you, teaching is where I am meant to be. I think I always knew that I wanted to teach, but I just fell in love with this subject in college and went for it! I love having a different background than my peers. Dare to be different, as they say. ;) I love to laugh too. Your description is perfect. That is the best kind of laugh, ever! Thank you for linking up with us for Weekend Warriors this month!

    Primarily Speaking

    1. Dare to be different...well-said, Aimee! I love it! I think having a different background definitely leads you to think differently and to bring "fresh eyes" to situations. Here's to lots of laughter this summer! :)

  2. First of all, I LOVE those moments when the lesson goes a bit off course because of the students genuine interest in a certain topic. I also love the moments when I have to tell them I am not sure of an answer, so we find it together. I think the kiddos really appreciate learning WITH you rather that FROM you sometimes!

    Second of all, TAKE ME WITH YOU TO HARRY POTTER WORLD!!! I literally have been to Orlando twice sine it has open and couldn't go because it was either shut down due to some kind of technical issue or because I was playing softball and didn't have time. My muggle heart was shattered! haha

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! Let's go!!! I would be so mad if I got there and things were broken down or what-not. I would be one mad muggle! LOL...

      It's refreshing to know that other teachers feel the same way about those moments. I love what you said about those times when you have to tell them that you don't know the answer either. I think it's so important we actually admit that to our students when it happens. I think it helps build trust and establishes a safe learning climate. Because I get to work with my students for multiple years, I've found it helps them respect when you when you are open with them about your own learning and leadership. It really gives them a sense of family and teamwork in the classroom.


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