Hump Day Highlight Linky: Heroes for Diversity

I've made a new friend through my new Instagram account!  (Follow me @insidebellsbrain!)  So today I'm linking up with Mrs. Stanford's class to bring you a little Hump Day Highlight.  This week I thought I would tell you about my latest creation and how we're using it in our classroom. 

Last year, our district had its first International Fair.  It was so exciting to see so much love and support for all the diversity in our schools and communities.  My fourth graders contributed a project called "International Heroes."  They did an AMAZING job!  I was so proud of their hard work, and I realized that their research and final products were so meaningful to them...academically and personally.  We did a very in-depth study of biographies and informational text, followed by their own independent and collaborative research.  Finally, they published their work in a typed report and displayed it for the Fair.

This year, I wanted to "beef up" my unit from last year.  I also thought it would be really special to share with other teachers who might be looking to accomplish the same goals.  I changed it up just a little (beautified the fonts and such), and now it's available as the Heroes for Diversity Biography Lap Book Project.  It's everything you need (including the planning map) to accomplish an in-depth info text study on major contributors to diversity throughout history.

My students love this project!  This year, one of my students even asked if she could write about her grandmother.  Of course, how could I say no?  I can't wait to see her finished product!

You'll get a planning map to help you pace your instruction for the unit, but it's also completely flexible to your needs.  I also give you a step-by-step description of how I lead the lesson in my own class. 

I've included step-by-step photographs to help you assemble the lap books, as well as a photograph of the finished lap book so you know what it should look like.

You have tons of templates that will save you time and get your students organizing their information with their hands!  It's been a great critical thinking tool for my kiddos because they're treating it like a puzzle and figuring out how all the pieces fit together.  (I've been SO impressed with their leadership in this part of our project!)  Each page also includes teacher directions in the yellow box of each template page so you quickly know how many copies of each page you should make! 

But you need more, right?  I've included reading passages for the heroes that I included in this project.  There are a dozen diversity heroes that I've included in this unit.  Of course, you're not limited to these people.  (There's a blank template if you need it.)

My next step will be updating the links for this research on my Weebly site.  (I should be able to work on this over Spring Break...I hope!)

Students then write, edit, revise, collaborate, and publish their work!  Voila!  A fun & informative unit to cover your reading and writing standards!  If you want to add this product to your classroom, you can grab it at my Teachers Pay Teachers store here.

Thanks for stopping by!  Head back to Mrs. Stanford's Class to see all the other highlights for this Hump Day!


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