Attention Grabbers: Call & Response Poster
This year, one of my focus areas has been to incorporate more Whole Brain Teaching strategies in my daily instruction. In my opinion, one of the best - and certainly most fun - components of WBT is "call and response". These "attention grabbers" are very popular on Pinterest; you
can find so many premade posters out there with creative calls and
responses for teachers and students. But I wanted something a little
more individualized for my classroom, so I made my own! I printed each
page (pair) on a different color of bright paper. I cut out each phrase
using several designs of craft scissors and glued each pair onto a
large posterboard. (See photo below.) My students really enjoy them;
it makes a big difference in student engagement and adds variety to our
lessons. I'm sharing the file with you so you can do the same! It will be free for the first 24 hours, so grab this one while it's HOT!
NOTE: I took out some phrases from popular movies and songs to avoid copyright infringement.
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