Behind my #topnine2018

Today I posted my #topnine2018, a collage of my most liked Instagram images of 2018. As I posted, I thought it would be a novel idea and a nice end-of-Year reflection of sorts to share the “behind the scenes” story of each one. Several of them, I have already posted their associated stories, but a recap never hurts. 

The top two corners were posted at various times this year as a recap of my weight loss. The first (upper left) was after a “memory” picture from a New Orleans trip popped up in my feed. Sometimes I forget how large I used to be and how far I’ve come. I think it would do me good to reflect on this side by side more often than I do, especially when I feel stuck like I have lately. The other (upper right) was a showcase of the last time I was at the Teachers Pay Teachers conference (2015) to this year in Nashville (black shirt and rose pants). I have an hourglass now!  And I’m proud of that shape. 

The top center reflects a sentiment I’ve felt for a while now and continue struggling with. I’ve worked hard this year to find a work-life balance. I’m no where near finding it, but I’m making the effort. 

Center row: Speaking of which, the black and white photo of my classroom is one I took the first day of school this year. I posted it along with a prayer that I wrote specifically for my students. Honestly... I didn’t know how to feel when I saw later that day or the next that another teacher had posted it without credit to me. Now, I’m admittedly being a little petty here, but I’m trying to show my vulnerable truth here.  After I reflected, I realized that if it touched another teacher and therefore spread the light, I should get over myself and I did. (And I realized I needed to pray a little harder for myself to mature too.)

That very center picture was from my National Board Certified Teacher conference pinning. This, I believe, has truly been the pinnacle of my professional accomplishments. 

Far right on the center row is from the Teachers Pat Teachers conference in Nashville. I finally got to meet the amazing Tracee Orman, who has been such an inspiration and mentor to me. It was every bit as exciting as I thought it would be. 

And the bottom row doesn’t have much of a story per se. The far left is my wardrobe change from Awards Day to Field Day... the responsibilities of an itinerant teacher. The JT reference was totally lifted from another teacher’s feed. And the last one?  Candy corn leggings. ‘Nuff said. 

Here’s to praying for more amazing blessings and lessons in 2019!  


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