Teachers Are Heroes Product Linky: Celebrations & Traditions Around the World
You've probably heard the exciting news about the TpT sale tomorrow! You can save up to 28% off some of your wish-listed items by using the code HEROES when you check out on the Teachers Pay Teachers site. So it's time to clear off your wish list and put some change in a fellow teacher's pocket!
We want you to make the most of your hard-earned money by sharing some of our superhero resources by sharing some of the feedback we've gotten from fellow sellers and buyers. That's why we put together this little linky party to share the resources that have our superhero stamp of approval!
It truly warms my heart when another teacher leaves a thoughtful, meaningful feedback message on my resources. I know that I've made another teacher's job easier and reached his or her students with the work I've made.
Recently I got this little message from my TpT dashboard. I don't know who to thank because it was left anonymously, but thanks so much to the person who did!
We want you to make the most of your hard-earned money by sharing some of our superhero resources by sharing some of the feedback we've gotten from fellow sellers and buyers. That's why we put together this little linky party to share the resources that have our superhero stamp of approval!
Recently I got this little message from my TpT dashboard. I don't know who to thank because it was left anonymously, but thanks so much to the person who did!
On this same product, another sweet user left me this feedback that definitely brought a big smile to my face.
This particular product happens to also be my bestseller, but I've actually given it a complete facelift and added some goodies to it in a new DELUXE bundle. I had several requests for reading passages to accompany each of the holidays mentioned in the package, so I wrote 30 passages to add to the bundle! There are 3 scaffolded reading passages to accompany each holiday in the unit so that you can easily differentiate between grade levels, for English learners, for special needs students, and for enrichment. So that you get the maximum benefit from buying these resources together, I'm including the link to the DELUXE bundle here.
Happy shopping!
Browse around the linky for other heroic products, or feel free to grab the graphic and link up your own! Link to a post containing one heroic product and its feedback. Use the graphic if you wish. (No direct links to stores or products, please.) Include the linky button and link it back to this post so others may find great heroic products.
Head back over to Diane's post at Fifth in the Middle to check out the other "super" products!
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